Perfect Relief Foundation International

Perfect Relief Foundation Int.


Up Coming Event

Older Events

- Love and Pizza

On August 19, 2023, PRFI hosted the “Love and Pizza” event, which brought together 200 orphaned children for a day of joy, connection, and delicious pizza. The event featured a festive atmosphere with decorations and activities, while volunteers ensured the children felt welcomed and cherished. The highlight was the assortment of donated pizzas, symbolizing unity and shared experiences. The event emphasized the power of community and empathy, leaving a lasting impact on participants and reminding everyone of the significance of small acts of kindness.

The event featured vibrant decorations, delicious pizzas, and engaging activities, creating an atmosphere of unity and happiness. Volunteers' dedication and children's smiles showcased the impact of community and compassion, leaving lasting memories for all involved.

- Sharing is Caring

We distribute food items, used clothes, lunch packs, toiletries with 200 Orphaned children. We believe that we are a family and must learn to share and love one another. Please see link below of that activity in April.

- Back to School

With our recent Back to School Event in July 2023 . We made some exercise books, bags, stationary donations for 200 deprived and Orphaned boys and girls to enable them stay in school. The school they attended also benefited from the massive distribution. It was in collaboration with Lions Club-Tema Supreme Members. Please see link below of activity and news clipping. .

Send A Smile
Back To School
Health Screening
Reading Is Fun
Silence Is Not Golden

Story Time

Literacy is a powerful tool to give any child. At PRFI, we believe in not just clothing, feeding and Healthcare of orphaned children but also the educational aspect of their growth. In niew of this, A Story Time event was organized to help the children search for difficult words, develop a desire to read and create an awareness. We are very happy with the outcome of the exercise. The children wanted to read till 6pm. It’s time to get them a mini Library. Ladies and Gentlemen, email us on and let’s see ways to make this happen. For all existing partners, we salute for your continual support. Bless you All

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power. A book a day makes you abreast with time. Bring all your old books to us to give out to these underprivileged and orphaned children. Email us on if you have some books to spare. Bless you

Humanitarian awards global

Perfect Relief Foundation International…. God has done it again. Today we are amongst the 100 most inspiring change makers in Ghana doing Humanitarian work. God must be proud of us all. Am especially so proud of you all who support our vision and assignment. We owe it all to you. Bless you all. Our website is

Christmas Party

Every year, as the festive season approaches, there are innocent children and families that get lost in the shadows of society, forgotten not intentionally but due to circumstances beyond their control. Hunger, loneliness, and despair shouldn’t be part of anyone’s Christmas story.
For the past Five years, Perfect Relief Foundation International 🇬🇭 has been striving to rewrite this narrative. We were able to bring Christmas cheer to at least 200 children and families.

We had a beautiful Christmas party with the 210 needy orphans and deprived children. We had food, clothes, drinks, lots of activities and laughter. There was so much joy we were happy and this is why we do what we do. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and everyone must experience it. We thank all our sponsors and Donors who made this happen. You have been amazing. Bless you all

Pizza and Fun day

Whatever you did for my brother’s and sisters, you did it also for me. Let’s demonstrate love with our actions. Help us bring smiles to these amazing orphans. Bless you